Cushing's syndrome is a condition that indicates prolonged high levels of the hormone cortisol in the blood, which is also known as the stress hormone, and levels of this hormone may rise due to taking oral corticosteroid drugs, or the body's excessive secretion of this hormone on its own and may also arise as a result of growth A benign tumor (non-cancerous) in the pituitary gland in the brain or a tumor in the adrenal glands, according to "Express".
The following are the symptoms of Cushing's syndrome:
1- Weight gain.
2- Swelling of the round face, known as the (lunar) face or the full moon.
3- Redness of the face.
4- Infection with the so-called buffalo hump, which occurs when fat accumulates in the back of the neck and shoulders, as well as the accumulation of fat in the chest and abdominal area while the arms and legs remain thin.
5- bruising easily.
6- Feeling weak in the arms and thighs.
7- Decreased sexual desire and fertility problems.
8- Depression and mood swings.
9- High blood pressure.
For its part, the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS) advised that a doctor should be consulted when any symptoms indicative of Cushing's syndrome appear, as it is then possible to undergo blood, urine and saliva tests, all of which can measure levels of the hormone cortisol, and in the event of a diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome it can improve The condition gets treated even though it may take a long time to recover completely.
Cushing syndrome treatment:
Treatments for this condition may include surgery to remove tumors that cause high levels of the hormone cortisol in the blood, or radiation therapy or medications, depending on the case.
Health complications of Cushing's syndrome:
1- Heart attack and stroke
2- Blood clots in the legs and lungs
3- Osteoporosis and fractures
4- Memory loss and difficulty concentrating
5- Type 2 diabetes
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