People with diabetes have a low resistance to infection and a slow healing process, and thus are more susceptible to oral health problems. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the care and health of the teeth and mouth of diabetics to avoid complications, the most famous of which is tooth loss, according to a report by The Times of India.
Some common mouth problems with diabetes
Gingivitis: This is one of the most common problems for diabetics. Gum disease occurs when the plaque layer builds up over time and hardens, the gums become red and swollen and may also bleed. This can lead to an advanced stage called periodontitis if not dealt with in time as well. A two-way journey, diabetes can not only lead to gum problems, it also exacerbates uncontrolled diabetes and affects blood sugar levels.
Your oral care routine should include regular brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove stubborn plaque and using mouthwash. Mouthwash cleans the mouth completely and removes germs and dental plaque that are the root cause of gum problems, and one must also inform his dentist about the condition of diabetes.
Tooth loss: People with diabetes are more likely to lose their teeth than people without diabetes. There are many factors that can cause this, and one of the main reasons is uncontrolled sugar levels. High levels of sugar in diabetics can lead to the growth of more bacteria in the mouth. Which may lead to gingivitis and gum disease. If an infection occurs in the mouth, diabetics will take longer to recover, which may also cause a direct effect on the bones that support the teeth, which ultimately leads to tooth loss. Timely dental check-ups and maintaining an oral hygiene routine.
Dry mouth: Diabetics can also suffer from symptoms such as dry mouth due to a lack of saliva, mostly due to the medications they take. Dry mouth may lead to an increase in mouth infections such as thrush and tooth decay. One may also suffer from bad breath problems.
Tooth decay: High blood sugar levels increase the supply of sugars and starches, which leads to more acids that damage the teeth, leading to tooth decay. Dental caries can lead to cavities that may be very painful. It is best to prevent it although it can be treated.
While diet plays an important role, following an oral hygiene routine can make a difference in preventing tooth decay. High sugar and refined carbohydrates should be avoided as they can increase the risk of tooth decay.
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